von adm_white8 | Nov. 17, 2018 | Past
G i s e l a E r l a c h e r ASSEMBLE photgraphic art Gisela Erlacher, Yuzhong, Shenzhen, 2012 opening January 16, 2014 6 – 8 pmIntroduction Lucas Gehrmann 6:30 pm duration March 22, 2014 ::: Gisela Erlacherassemble „Es tritt bei derlei Mauern und Gemisch...
von adm_white8 | Nov. 16, 2018 | Past
M a r g i t N o b i sORIENTALISMANIAImagerie Arabesque Margit Nobis, „Abbas Mirza“, 2013 opening November 7, 2013 6 – 8 pmIntroduction by Lucas Gehrmann 6:30 pm duration January 11, 2014 VIENNA ART WEEK Guided Tour in the white8with curator...
von adm_white8 | Nov. 15, 2018 | Past
F a b i o Z o l l yRIVISTADer Countdown läuft… Fabio Zolly, Roma, 2013 opening Sept 12, 2013 6 – 8 pm duration Oct 31, 2013::: Fabio Zolly – Rivista Der Titel der Werkschau von Fabio Zolly – Rivista (ital. für Zeitschrift, übersetzbar auch...
von adm_white8 | Nov. 15, 2018 | Artists
>>> Works <<< Biography1969Born in Belgrade1994Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of Arts, Belgrade1999Master of Fine Arts, University of Arts, Belgradesince 1996Member of Serbian Fine Artists Association (ULUS) As visiting professor he taught...
von adm_white8 | Nov. 15, 2018 | Artists
>>>Works<<<Biography1972Born in Florence1993Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, Florence2003Director of Accademia d’Arte AD’A, Florence Lives and works in Florence Art Fairs, Art Biennials201355th Venice Biennale, Maldives Pavilion201154th...
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